Results for 'Y. K. Chen'

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  1. Kuochi Jênch'üan Kungyüeh Chih Neikuo Hsiaoli I Kungmin Yü Chêngchih Ch'üan Kungyüeh Chi Chingchi Shêhui Wênhuach'üan Kungyüeh Shihhsingfa Weili [The Domestic Applicability of International Human Rights Law─ Take ICCPR and ICESCR as Examples].Y. K. Chen - forthcoming - T’Ai Wan Fa Hsiao Hui [Taiwan Law Society](Ed.), Taiwan Fasyue Sinketi [the Future Issue of Law in Taiwan].
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    A meta-analysis of factors influencing the development of trust in automation: Implications for understanding autonomy in future systems.K. E. Schaefer, J. Y. Chen, J. L. Szalma & P. A. Hancock - 2016 - Human Factors 58.
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  3. Establishing Organizational Ethical Climates: How Do Managerial Practices Work?K. Praveen Parboteeah, Hsien Chun Chen, Ying-Tzu Lin, I.-Heng Chen, Amber Y.-P. Lee & Anyi Chung - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (4):599-611.
    Over the past two decades, Victor and Cullen's (Adm Sci Q 33:101-125, 1988) typology of ethical climates has been employed by many academics in research on issues of ethical climates. However, little is known about how managerial practices such as communication and empowerment influence ethical climates, especially from a functional perspective. The current study used a survey of employees from Taiwan's top 100 patent-owning companies to examine how communication and empowerment affect organizational ethical climates. The results confirm the relationship between (...)
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    NF-B mediates amyloid beta peptide-stimulated activity of the human apolipoprotein E gene promoter in human astroglial cells.Y. Du, X. Chen, X. Wei, K. R. Bales, D. T. Berg, S. M. Paul, M. R. Farlow, B. Maloney, Y. W. Ge & D. K. Lahiri - 2005 - Brain Res Mol Brain Res 136:177-88.
    The apolipoprotein E gene plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease , and amyloid plaque comprised mostly of the amyloid-beta peptide ) is one of the major hallmarks of AD. However, the relationship between these two important molecules is poorly understood. We examined how A treatment affects APOE expression in cultured cells and tested the role of the transcription factor NF-B in APOE gene regulation. To delineate NF-B's role, we have characterized a 1098 nucleotide segment containing the (...)
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  5.  51
    Superior tolerance of Ag/Ni multilayers against Kr ion irradiation: anin situstudy.K. Y. Yu, C. Sun, Y. Chen, Y. Liu, H. Wang, M. A. Kirk, M. Li & X. Zhang - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (26):3547-3562.
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  6. The continuity of self in collectivism and individualism.W. P. Banks, K. Y. Yi, A. V. Lumanau & N. Chen - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S89 - S89.
  7.  24
    Finite element simulation and experimental determination of interfacial adhesion properties by wedge indentation.L. Chen, K. B. Yeap, K. Y. Zeng & G. R. Liu - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (17):1395-1413.
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    Non‐adherence to antibiotic prescription guidelines in treating urinary tract infection of children: a population‐based study in Taiwan.Chu C. Chen, Li C. Wu, Chung Y. Li, Chih K. Liu, Lin C. Woung & Ming C. Ko - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1030-1035.
  9.  24
    Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss in the Chinese-Speaking World: Reorienting the Political.Kai Marchal, Carl K. Y. Shaw, Harald Bluhm, Jianhong Chen, Thomas Fröhlich, Chuan-wei Hu, Kuan-min Huang, Shu-Perng Hwang, Charlotte Kroll, Han Liu, Christopher Nadon & Mario Wenning (eds.) - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Reorienting the Political examines the reception of two controversial German philosophers, Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss, in the Chinese-speaking world. This volume explores the powerful resonance of both thinkers in Chinese political thought from a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective.
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  10.  51
    Establishing a 'physician's spiritual well-being scale' and testing its reliability and validity.C. K. Fang, P. Y. Li, M. L. Lai, M. H. Lin, D. T. Bridge & H. W. Chen - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (1):6-12.
    The purpose of this study was to develop a Physician's Spiritual Well-Being Scale (PSpWBS). The significance of a physician's spiritual well-being was explored through in-depth interviews with and qualitative data collection from focus groups. Based on the results of qualitative analysis and related literature, the PSpWBS consisting of 25 questions was established. Reliability and validity tests were performed on 177 subjects. Four domains of the PSpWBS were devised: physician's characteristics; medical practice challenges; response to changes; and overall well-being. The explainable (...)
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  11.  76
    Review of particle physics. [REVIEW]C. Patrignani, K. Agashe, G. Aielli, C. Amsler, M. Antonelli, D. M. Asner, H. Baer, S. Banerjee, R. M. Barnett, T. Basaglia, C. W. Bauer, J. J. Beatty, V. I. Belousov, J. Beringer, S. Bethke, H. Bichsel, O. Biebel, E. Blucher, G. Brooijmans, O. Buchmueller, V. Burkert, M. A. Bychkov, R. N. Cahn, M. Carena, A. Ceccucci, A. Cerri, D. Chakraborty, M. C. Chen, R. S. Chivukula, K. Copic, G. Cowan, O. Dahl, G. D'Ambrosio, T. Damour, D. De Florian, A. De Gouvêa, T. DeGrand, P. De Jong, G. Dissertori, B. A. Dobrescu, M. D'Onofrio, M. Doser, M. Drees, H. K. Dreiner, P. da DwyerEerola, S. Eidelman, J. Ellis, J. Erler, V. V. Ezhela, W. Fetscher, B. D. Fields, B. Foster, A. Freitas, H. Gallagher, L. Garren, H. J. Gerber, G. Gerbier, T. Gershon, T. Gherghetta, A. A. Godizov, M. Goodman, C. Grab, A. V. Gritsan, C. Grojean, M. de GroomGrünewald, A. Gurtu, T. Gutsche, H. E. Haber, K. Hagiwara, C. Hanhart, S. Hashimoto, Y. Hayato, K. G. Hayes, A. Hebecker, B. Heltsley, J. J. Hernández-Rey, K. Hikasa, J. Hisano, A. Höcker, J. Holder, A. Holtkamp, J. Huston, T. Hyodo, K. Irwin & Jackson - unknown
    © 2016 Regents of the University of California.The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous (...)
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  12.  37
    Serration behaviours in metallic glasses with different plasticity.G. N. Yang, S. Q. Chen, J. L. Gu, S. F. Zhao, J. F. Li, Y. Shao, H. Wang & K. F. Yao - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (21):2243-2255.
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  13.  28
    Web-Based Psychoeducation Program for Caregivers of First-Episode of Psychosis: An Experience of Chinese Population in Hong Kong.Sherry K. W. Chan, Samson Tse, Harrison L. T. Sin, Christy L. M. Hui, Edwin H. M. Lee, Wing C. Chang & Eric Y. H. Chen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  14.  23
    Comments on Juan Rodríguez Larreta's paper: "conceiving of someone else's pain on the model of one's own".Cheryl K. Chen - 2005 - Análisis Filosófico 25 (1):81-85.
    En What Emotions Really Are y en otros artículos, Griffiths afirma que las clases naturales de los organismos vivos en Biología son cladistas. La afirmación está inmersa en una nueva teoría acerca de las clases naturales. En este trabajo examinaré los argumentos esgrimidos por Griffiths para sostener el estatus privilegiado de las clasificaciones cladistas frente a otras clasificaciones. No se discutirá la teoría de las clases naturales ofrecida, de cuyos méritos no dudo, sino su capacidad para ofrecer una solución en (...)
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  15. Predicting Performances on Processing and Memorizing East Asian Faces from Brain Activities in Face-Selective Regions: A Neurocomputational Approach.Gary C.-W. Shyi, Peter K.-H. Cheng, S. -T. Tina Huang, C. -C. Lee, Felix F.-S. Tsai, Wan-Ting Hsieh & Becky Y.-C. Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  16.  44
    The Intermediate Neutrino Program.C. Adams, Alonso Jr, A. M. Ankowski, J. A. Asaadi, J. Ashenfelter, S. N. Axani, K. Babu, C. Backhouse, H. R. Band, P. S. Barbeau, N. Barros, A. Bernstein, M. Betancourt, M. Bishai, E. Blucher, J. Bouffard, N. Bowden, S. Brice, C. Bryan, L. Camilleri, J. Cao, J. Carlson, R. E. Carr, A. Chatterjee, M. Chen, S. Chen, M. Chiu, E. D. Church, J. I. Collar, G. Collin, J. M. Conrad, M. R. Convery, R. L. Cooper, D. Cowen, H. Davoudiasl, A. De Gouvea, D. J. Dean, G. Deichert, F. Descamps, T. DeYoung, M. V. Diwan, Z. Djurcic, M. J. Dolinski, J. Dolph, B. Donnelly, S. da DwyerDytman, Y. Efremenko, L. L. Everett, A. Fava, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, B. Fleming, A. Friedland, B. K. Fujikawa, T. K. Gaisser, M. Galeazzi, D. C. Galehouse, A. Galindo-Uribarri, G. T. Garvey, S. Gautam, K. E. Gilje, M. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. Goodman, H. Gordon, E. Gramellini, M. P. Green, A. Guglielmi, R. W. Hackenburg, A. Hackenburg, F. Halzen, K. Han, S. Hans, D. Harris, K. M. Heeger, M. Herman, R. Hill, A. Holin & P. Huber - unknown
    The US neutrino community gathered at the Workshop on the Intermediate Neutrino Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory February 4-6, 2015 to explore opportunities in neutrino physics over the next five to ten years. Scientists from particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics participated in the workshop. The workshop examined promising opportunities for neutrino physics in the intermediate term, including possible new small to mid-scale experiments, US contributions to large experiments, upgrades to existing experiments, R&D plans and theory. The workshop was organized into (...)
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    A Guide to the Wen-yüan Pavilion Ssu-k'u Ch'üan-shu 文淵閣四庫全書指南A Guide to the Wen-yuan Pavilion Ssu-k'u Ch'uan-shu.Alvin P. Cohen, William Y. Chen 陳有方 & William Y. Chen Youfang) - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):216.
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  18.  32
    Bringing legal knowledge to the public by constructing a legal question bank using large-scale pre-trained language model.Mingruo Yuan, Ben Kao, Tien-Hsuan Wu, Michael M. K. Cheung, Henry W. H. Chan, Anne S. Y. Cheung, Felix W. H. Chan & Yongxi Chen - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (3):769-805.
    Access to legal information is fundamental to access to justice. Yet accessibility refers not only to making legal documents available to the public, but also rendering legal information comprehensible to them. A vexing problem in bringing legal information to the public is how to turn formal legal documents such as legislation and judgments, which are often highly technical, to easily navigable and comprehensible knowledge to those without legal education. In this study, we formulate a three-step approach for bringing legal knowledge (...)
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    Is Leader Humility a Friend or Foe, or Both? An Attachment Theory Lens on Leader Humility and Its Contradictory Outcomes.K. Bharanitharan, Zhen Xiong Chen, Somayeh Bahmannia & Kevin B. Lowe - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):729-743.
    As studies continue to accumulate on leader humility, it has become clear that humility in a leader is largely beneficial to his or her followers. While the majority of the empirical research on this topic has demonstrated the positive effects of leader humility, this study challenges that consensus by arguing that a leader’s humble behavior can have contradictory outcomes in followers’ voice behavior. Drawing on attachment theory, we develop a model which takes into account the ways in which leader humility (...)
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  20.  15
    Kamusal alanda başörtülüler: Fatma Karabıyık Barbarosoğlu ile söyleşi.Fatma Karabıyık Barbarosoğlu - 2000 - Harbiye, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık. Edited by Nazife Şişman.
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    The Religious Elements Found in The Lyrics of Aşık Veysel’s Folk Songs in the Broken Air (Rhythmic) Style.Tacetdin Bıyık - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):145-176.
    In folk songs, which can be described as melodies reflecting the feelings and thoughts of the people, it is possible to find all kinds of events experienced by the person or society, all kinds of emotions that can be felt, in other words, the joy, sadness, life and beliefs of individuals and/or society, in short, all elements of life. Folk songs are one of the most important sources in which society's perception of religion, religious life, and how religion is theoretically (...)
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  22.  26
    Replication protein A prevents promiscuous annealing between short sequence homologies: Implications for genome integrity.Sarah K. Deng, Huan Chen & Lorraine S. Symington - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (3):305-313.
    Replication protein A (RPA) is the main eukaryotic single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein, having essential roles in all DNA metabolic reactions involving ssDNA. RPA binds ssDNA with high affinity, thereby preventing the formation of secondary structures and protecting ssDNA from the action of nucleases, and directly interacts with other DNA processing proteins. Here, we discuss recent results supporting the idea that one function of RPA is to prevent annealing between short repeats that can lead to chromosome rearrangements by microhomology‐mediated end (...)
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    Children enrolled in parents' research: a uniquely vulnerable group in need of oversight and protection.L. L. Shepherd, K. Read & D. T. Chen - 2013 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 35 (3):1-8.
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    Deontic logic and deontically perfect worlds.K. E. Tranøy - 1970 - Theoria 36 (3):221-231.
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    Images and Ideas in Chinese Classical Prose: Studies of Four Masters.Madeline K. Spring & Yu-Shih Chen - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):749.
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    The dynamics of guanxi and ethics for chinese executives.Ricky Y. K. Chan, Louis T. W. Cheng & Ricky W. F. Szeto - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (4):327 - 336.
    This study empirically examines how Chinese executives perceive the role of guanxi and ethics played in their business operations. By factor-analyzing 850 valid replies collected from a comprehensive survey, the present study identifies three distinct ethics-related attitudes and two distinct guanxi-related attitudes for Chinese executives. The cluster analysis of the composite scores of these five attitudinal factors further indicates the existence of three distinct groups of Chinese executives that vary in their ethics and guanxi orientations. The three groups are unethical (...)
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  27. Decoherence, Branching, and the Born Rule in a Mixed-State Everettian Multiverse.Eugene Y. S. Chua & Eddy Keming Chen - forthcoming - Synthese.
    In Everettian quantum mechanics, justifications for the Born rule appeal to self-locating uncertainty or decision theory. Such justifications have focused exclusively on a pure-state Everettian multiverse, represented by a wave function. Recent works in quantum foundations suggest that it is viable to consider a mixed-state Everettian multiverse, represented by a (mixed-state) density matrix. Here, we develop the conceptual foundations for decoherence and branching in a mixed-state multiverse, and extend arguments for the Born rule to this setting. This extended framework provides (...)
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  28. Public Wrongs and the Criminal Law.Ambrose Y. K. Lee - 2015 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 9 (1):155-170.
    This paper is about how best to understand the notion of ‘public wrongs’ in the longstanding idea that crimes are public wrongs. By contrasting criminal law with the civil laws of torts and contracts, it argues that ‘public wrongs’ should not be understood merely as wrongs that properly concern the public, but more specifically as those which the state, as the public, ought to punish. It then briefly considers the implications that this has on criminalization.
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    Ideas in theoretical biology origin of cancerous cells from tumours.Deng K. Niu & Jia-Kuan Chen - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (4):379-381.
    With a previous paper (Niu & Wang, 1995), a general, hypothetical outline of the mechanism of carcinogenesis was proposed. With reference to the fact of starvation-induced hypermutation in micro-organisms, we propose that the hypoxia commonly seen in the cells at the centre of solid tumours might also result in hypermutation, and then p53-dependent programmed cell death. Like the apparently adaptive mutations in micro-organisms, only those genes (e.g. p53) that enable the cells to escape from apoptosis may be selected.
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    Margulis' theory on division of labour in cells revisited.Deng K. Niu, Jia-Kuan Chen & Yong-Ding Liu - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (1):23-28.
    Division of labour is a marked feature of multicellular organisms. Margulis proposed that the ancestors of metazoans had only one microtubule organizing center (MTOC), so they could not move and divide simultaneously. Selection for simultaneous movement and cell division had driven the division of labour between cells. However, no evidence or explanation for this assumption was provided. Why could the unicellular ancetors not have multiple MTOCs? The gain and loss of three possible strategies are discussed. It was found that the (...)
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    Beyond silence or compliance: The complexities of reporting a friend for misconduct.Megan F. Hess, Linda K. Treviño, Anjier Chen & Rob Cross - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):546-562.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Analytical model for super-ideal gases.Y. K. Huang - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (2):207-213.
    The equations of state for the ideal classical gas are generalized with two characteristic constants known as the state indices. A simple and complete representation is developed for the super-ideal gas, with explicit results which are general enough to cover a wide range of equilibrium systems and states. Evidence and justification are provided in terms of examples and results of statistical physics. The new model should prove useful for treating problems involving physical behavior and properties which might otherwise call for (...)
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  33.  38
    Indentation on one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals: general theory and complete exact solutions.Y. F. Wu, W. Q. Chen & X. Y. Li - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (8):858-882.
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    The evolution of polarization inside ultrathin PbTiO3films: a theoretical study.Y. B. Xue, D. Chen, Y. J. Wang, Y. L. Tang, Y. L. Zhu & X. L. Ma - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (19):2067-2077.
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  35. Applying Ethical Concepts to the Study of “Green” Consumer Behavior: An Analysis of Chinese Consumers’ Intentions to Bring their Own Shopping Bags.Ricky Y. K. Chan, Y. H. Wong & T. K. P. Leung - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (4):469-481.
    Drawing on the general ethics and social psychology literature, this study presents a model to delineate the major factors likely to affect consumers’ intentions to bring their own shopping bags when visiting a supermarket (called “bring your own bags” or “BYOB” intention). The model is empirically validated using a survey of 250 Chinese consumers. Overall, the findings support the hypothesized direct influence of teleological evaluation and habit on BYOB intention, as well as that of deontological evaluation and teleological evaluation on (...)
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    Arguing Against the Expressive Function of Punishment: Is the Standard Account that Insufficient?Ambrose Y. K. Lee - 2019 - Law and Philosophy 38 (4):359-385.
    This paper critically appraises the arguments that have been offered for what can be called ‘the expressive function of punishment’. According to this view, what distinguishes punishment from other kinds of non-punitive hard treatment is that punishment conveys a censorial/reprobative message about what the punished has done, and that this expressive function should therefore be accepted as part of the nature and definition of punishment. Against this view, this papers argues that the standard account of punishment, according to which punishment (...)
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    Єдиний шлях порятунку людства від тотального колапсу - ноотехнології та ноонауки.K. V. Korsak & Y. K. Korsak - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:28-38.
    The urgency of the research topic lies in the author's search for the elimination of environmental and other threats to the existence of mankind. The population of Homo Sapiens increases quantitatively, intensify the rate of degradation of the natural environment and accelerates the movement to the total Collapse. Scientists in the world create only "appeals" and “warnings” of danger, but even the UN decision and three environmental forums 1992, 2002 and 2012 do not indicate real means of salvation. The purpose (...)
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    Broadband Diffusion: Usage and Impact on Consumer User Behavior.J. Choudrie & Y. K. Dwivedi - 2006 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 15 (1-4):389-408.
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    Social ethics and the emergence of advertising in China: Perceptions from within the great wall.John P. Cragin, Y. K. Kwan & Y. N. Ho - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (2):91-94.
    While interest in doing business continues to rise steadily, information concerning the evolving social ethics of Chinese managers is sparse. This study reports the findings obtained from intensive interviews with thirty-nine Chinese advertising executives. In general, there appears to be developing a cautious optimism about the role of advertising in the Chinese economy. Findings are compared with earlier studies of American and Hong Kong managers and it is suggested that further research and observation is needed to track the development of (...)
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    Universe and Brahma with extracts from Sastras.Raghunatha Rao & K. Y. - 1967 - Saraswatipuram,: Srinivasa Publications.
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    Retinotopic patterns of background connectivity between V1 and fronto-parietal cortex are modulated by task demands.Joseph C. Griffis, Abdurahman S. Elkhetali, Wesley K. Burge, Richard H. Chen & Kristina M. Visscher - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Legal Coercion, Respect & Reason-Responsive Agency.Ambrose Y. K. Lee - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (5):847-859.
    Legal coercion seems morally problematic because it is susceptible to the Hegelian objection that it fails to respect individuals in a way that is ‘due to them as men’. But in what sense does legal coercion fail to do so? And what are the grounds for this requirement to respect? This paper is an attempt to answer these questions. It argues that legal coercion fails to respect individuals as reason-responsive agents; and individuals ought to be respected as such in virtue (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism: A Philosophy for Global Ethics * By STAN vAN HOOFT * Globalizing Justice: The Ethics of Poverty and Power * By RICHARD W. MILLER.A. Y. K. Lee - 2012 - Analysis 72 (1):202-205.
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    Duties of Minimal Wellbeing and Their role in Global Justice.Ambrose Y. K. Lee - unknown
    This thesis is the first step in a research project which aims to develop an accurate and robust theory of global justice. The thesis concerns the content of our duties of global justice, under strict compliance theory. It begins by discussing the basic framework of my theory of global justice, which consists in two aspects: duties of minimal wellbeing, which are universal, and duties of fairness and equality, which are associative and not universal. With that in place, it briefly discusses (...)
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    Wall Paintings of Rajasthan.Ernest Bender & Y. K. Shukla - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4):682.
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    A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Family Holistic Health Intervention for Probationers in Hong Kong: A Mixed-Method Study.Agnes Y.-K. Lai, Shirley M.-M. Sit, Carol Thomas, George O.-C. Cheung, Alice Wan, Sophia S.-C. Chan & Tai-Hing Lam - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Probationers, offenders with less serious and non-violent offences, and under statutory supervision, have low levels of self-esteem and physical health, and high level of family conflict, and poorer quality of family relationships. This study examined the effectiveness of the existing probation service and the additional use of a positive family holistic health intervention to enhance physical, psychological, and family well-being in probationers and relationships with probation officers.Methods: Probationers under the care of the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department were randomized (...)
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    Blameworthiness and the Outcomes of One’s Actions.Ambrose Y. K. Lee - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (2):271-290.
    There are at least two ways to argue for the view that the outcome of one’s actions does not affect one’s blameworthiness. The first way appeals to the ‘Control Principle’ while the second way relies on what it means to be blameworthy. The focus of this paper is on a recent attempt at pursuing this second way that relies on an account of blameworthiness dubbed the ‘Engagement View’. This paper argues, however, that the Engagement View alone is insufficient to show (...)
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    Mediating Role of Cultural Values in the Impact of Ethical Ideologies on Chinese Consumers’ Ethical Judgments.Ricky Y. K. Chan, Piyush Sharma, Abdulaziz Alqahtani, Tak Yan Leung & Ashish Malik - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    This paper develops and tests a new conceptual model incorporating the indirect impact of two ethical ideologies (idealism and relativism) on Chinese consumers’ ethical judgments under four ethically problematic consumption situations (active benefit, passive benefit, deceptive practice, and no/indirect harm) through two cultural values (integration and moral discipline). Data from a large-scale online consumer survey in five major Chinese cities (_N_ = 1046) support most hypotheses. The findings are consistent with the postulated global impact of ethical ideology on forming an (...)
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    Rate of creep due to grain-boundary diffusion in polycrystalline solids with grain-size distribution.B. -N. Kim, K. Hiraga, K. Morita & I. -W. Chen - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (20):2281-2292.
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    The Chinese Communist Party and the Labor Movement: The May 30th Movement in Henan.Odoric Y. K. Wou - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 23 (1):70-104.
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